One more day for the most awaited Kerala Architectural Festival – SPACES 2021

SPACES 2021 is all set to go with its first session to be broadcast live on the official youtube and facebook pages of DC group of institutions from 8pm to 9 pm on Thursday, July 15. The pannel discussion called Space and Place will be held by the DC School of Architecture and Design in the presence of Dr. P.K. Rajashekaran, literary critic and the recipient of Kerala Sahithya Academy award.
The Kerala Architecture Festival will be held online due to the pandemic restrictions. Live sessions will be conducted every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 15th to 30th, July. The dates and topics have been scheduled. Mark your calendars and get a chance to engage in intellectual discussions on Culture, Politics and Design. For full event notifications click the “BELL icon” on #YouTube and hit the “FOLLOW button” on #Facebook and #Instagram ,,

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