Let the discussions begin- eKLF first session on June 05

The first debate on the e-KLF June will take place at 5:30 pm on Saturday (June 05). Zachariah and E. Santosh Kumar will engage in a panel discussion on ‘Writers and Secularism’. Dr. MC Abdul Nasser will be introducing the session to the audience. The sessions can be viewed through the DC Books’ YouTube and Facebook official pages.
Why do writers become religious and anti-environmental in a secular society? Whose side should writers take in secular India? What is political correctness when it comes to writing? Etc. will be discussed in the discussion.
As part of the e-KLF, discussions and lectures on various topics by writers and thinkers in India and abroad will continue in the coming weeks from June 2021 to the Kerala Literature Festival to be held at Kozhikode Beach in January 2022.
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